Fun at the Käpylä Velodrome in Helsinki Saturday 12.7., organized by the BC-Hellsinki people.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Nakano Red Nagasawa Frameset on Ebay

He won a lot of races:

* World Cycling Championships 1977 - 1986 (10 ten consecutive times!!!)
* KEIRIN Grand Prix Champion 1985
* Japan Keirin GP 1981
* Allstar Keirin Champion 1979 -1980,1988
* Keirin Festival Champion 1978, 1980- 1981, 1983, 1987
* Japan tournament Keirin Champion 1988 - 1989
So if you think you're fast but you lost this,

frame building,
keirin bikes,
keirin frames,
scoring on ebay
Sunday, June 29, 2008
NOS Sugino Super Maxy For Your Fixie?

You're building a new fixed gear bike? You like red anodized parts, fits your color-coordinated bike? You used to ride a BMX as a kid? You're not too short on cash either? So click here and go get these now while they last. Someone on Ebay has a proper stash of goodies.
Classic 1980s old school BMX cranks, Sugino Super Maxy, red & NOS. They're mad nice looking and top quality too. Besides, since everybody is nowadays doing nothing but old BMX tricks on fixed gears and there was that Japanese dude with a BMX bars on his bike, this seems to be the only way to go. Forget about those Sugino Messengers, or even 75s, it gots to be Super Maxy.
bmx trickz,
fixed gear build,
fixie fashion,
old school bmx
Fixed Gear In High Heels?
FUMIKIRI Trailer / More Fixed Tricks From Japan
New movie coming out from Japan soon.
But did I really see someone with BMX bars on his bike there???
But did I really see someone with BMX bars on his bike there???
Yes, it is true. And it goes without saying the the front wheel is 650c.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Keirin Bike Fest?

I don't read Japanese but there was apparently a Keirin Festival (or something?) in Tokyo.
There's pics up on Blue Lug Blog, check it out.
japan fixed gear,
track cycling,
Friday, June 27, 2008
Bicyclist Going 45 MPH Hits Bear In Boulder Co.

Tim Egan, 53, was riding on Old Stage Road Tuesday afternoon when suddenly a bear appeared in front of him. Egan hit the bear and ended up skidding across the road.
"This bear looked at me with a look of terror on his face and sort of made a noise," said Egan. "I looked at him with a look of terror and we went, 'aaaahhhhh.'"
He cracked some ribs, suffered cuts on his head and had road rash. Egan said he and the bike flipped and flew over the bear, hitting the pavement hard.
The bear ran away after the accident when a deer appeared.
Egan's nephew ran to help the injured cyclist.
"When I tell people, they say 'right, are you kidding me, who hits a bear?'"
Egan estimated he was going about 45 mile per hour at impact. He said the bear was about six feet tall and probably weighed 500 pounds.
His bike was okay so he got back on it and pedaled to the hospital.
Egan said he was relieved his kidneys weren't damaged because he plans to donate one to his sister later this year.
The accident was the second involving a bear and cyclist in Left Hand Canyon in the past two years. A woman in the Boulder Triathlon ran into a bear in the same area last year.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
My Diamant Tarck Bike

Some time ago I wrote about a pile of parts I had scored from the 'bay with the intention of building one more fixed gear bike, or a tarck bike, for myself. Well, here it is finally in action.
An East-German 1970s Diamant track frame, unknown older Italian road fork, Sugino Mighty crank and a pile of mixed parts. The fork is probably not made by Colnago like it was supposed to be, and I decided to save the Dura-Ace BB for another project and used a cheap sealed cartridge BB instead.
(tnts from the took the photo, thanks!)
Fixed Gear Wednesday Tricks Session #5

Wednesday again and the 'Fiksikeskarit' AKA Fixed Gear Wednesday Tricks Session #5 happened again, this time back at the Kaapeli, here's the official picture gallery.
We have mucho fun, got the new fancy spokecards, honed our skillz which are getting pretty mad by now, had some beers etc. but then later things went bit strange. For some reason Ilkka wanted to prove that (his Fuji) track bike really is the perfect urban vehicle...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Pistadex Launches!

Remember the Pistadex?
"Readers of the BikeSnobNYC blog will no doubt be familiar with the PistaDex, a means by which the popularity of fixed-gear bicycles can be measured. Well, now there is an entire website devoted entirely to this hot new pop culture catch phrase:! For the moment, consists simply of a single page containing a definition of "PistaDex." However, stay tuned--in the coming days will transform itself into the definitive destination for all things PistaDex! There will be PistaDex forums, where visitors can not only share photos of their own Pistas, but also exchange wacky overpriced Pista ads from their local Craigslist. There will also be tickers which constantly monitor the PistaDex in major cities across the USA and around the world, so you know just how much your Pista is worth. Best of all, there will be merchandise, including t-shirts with clever slogans like: "You're spiking my PistaDex!;" "Keep your eyes on the PistaDex!;" and, simply, "PistaDex!" And that's just the beginning. So keep checking back at like the the rat in a skinner box that you are!"
It will be here soon.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
BTNC Trailer W/ Lovely Music
BTNC Trailer from Tone Baker on Vimeo.
It's raining outside. Which obviosly sucks.
But the background music of the clip above really lights up my day.
Here's another one from the same LA peeps, better riding but not nearly as nice music.
(videos found here:
btnc from Veesh on Vimeo.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Colnago Master Track 1979 Prototype
bike pron,
fixie fashion,
frame building,
lo pro,
track bikes,
velo culture
More Fixed Tricks Silliness
More fixed tricks silliness with Tom LaMarche, John Prolly, Wonka and Wilis, this time with slightly disturbing music in the background.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Fixed Gear Bike First Step?
EDIT. More info found here:
'As part of some of Japan’s most well-known skaters/bikers in T19 and realmad HECTIC, YOPS has announced the debut of their instructional DVD set, Fixed Gear Bike “First Step”. With a strong fixed gear culture in Japan, T19 and the HECTIC crew make formidable teachers as they ride you through back riding, skids, back circles, lift ups and wheelies. As this represents Chapter 1, we expect a full out series on the way down the road.'
Friday, June 20, 2008
Some Pics From Helsinki
Two pics from our last Wednesday Fixed Tricks Session. It was bit rainy first, there weren't that many of us but later on the session turned into a Fish-themed mini-pub-crawl-race from Sörnäinen to Punavuori to Töölo later and we had double the fun.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I Need A Wham-O Wheelie Bar
Trying to learn that sweet wheelie? Then you need this magical invention from 1966, a Wham-O Wheeliebar. If even the granny can use it, I know I need it.
But will someone remake this of do I need to hit the 'bay to find one?
And what the hell is 'exhibition riding'?
exhibition riding,
fixed gear tricks,
Macaframa Photoshoot
Look here for tons of pics like the one on the right.
More stuff here too, I guess in the pics there are the riders & bikes from the forthcoming Macaframa movie.
Japan Times Article: Land Of The Pimped Bikes
First, here's the full article. And then here are some selected quotes:
"...behind the bespoke bike trend is an entirely new breed of bicyclist."
"As any bicycle fashionista will tell you, however, it's all about accessorizing your frame. If you want it to turn heads, just as belts and bags should match, so too should certain key parts of your bicycle."
"Sugino finishes its cranks (the things your pedals attach to) in blue, gold, gunmetal gray, pink, red and traditional silver."
Ok, but despite those funny bits the article also mentions Ocean / Pacifix frames and includes an mini-interview with Rene who runs the excellent NJS Super Market and is currently setting up a fixed gear shop in Osaka. Good luck to him. And there are addresses to Punch Cycles and Ocean Cycle Factory in the end.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
'Get A Bike, And Make Sure It Only Has One Gear'

The Anti-Fixed Gear Manifesto
Fixed gear cycling has proven to be one of the hottest new trends in the two wheeled world. Propaganda fabricated by fixed gear extremists and zealots makes exorbitant claims about "the connection" riders feel to their bicycles when riding with the deprecated and obsolete technology. Many attempt to hide the fact that fixed gear is extremely outdated and has been superceded by new, safer technologies (i.e.: brakes, helmets). While these claims are obviously false, the structure of the fixed gear community allows such lies to proliferate like wildfire. The fixed gear community is largely intertwined with the likes of window smashing anarchists and vegan extremists. It's no wonder you will find these fixed gear fascists imposing their beliefs on day to day cyclists. I will recount one story from a disgruntled motorist from Richmond, Virginia:
"I was taking my kids to soccer practice when one of these maniacs came speeding down the street and skidding into the intersection on one of their primitive bicycles. The young punk lost control while trying to show off to some hipster looking females and smashed into my 2001 Dodge Caravan. The maniac then proceeded to curse at me and swing a "U-Lock" [Editor's Note: The u-lock is favorite among fixed gear extremists for its ability to be wielded as a weapon and it has been immortalized in the song "U-Lock Justice, by the band "R.A.M.B.O."] in the air as if it was my fault. As if this was not enough he told me to 'get a bike, and make sure it only has one gear'. I didn't really understand what he meant about the gears until I met up with a support group in my city that has been started to deal with these terrorists."
Our streets are no longer safe when twenty-something's attempt to rule the road and inculcate our children with fixed gear propaganda. This is a declaration of war. We must fight these bike-nazis at every turn (pun intended).
It is rumored that the secret leader of these fanatics is a middle-aged bearded man going by the moniker Sheldon Brown. This shadowy overlord has helped to foster the fixed gear community by giving step by step instructions on how to build these death-cycles. Thanks to Mr. Brown we have kids speeding around on converted Peugeot's and classic Italian collectables. Other big names in the fixed gear cult/scene are punk-rock bands like R.A.M.B.O. who openly supports the destruction of the United States Government through bicycle militias.
Data is still sparse, but popular hot-spots and bases-of-operation for the fixed gear agenda appear to be Portland (codename "PDX"), Oregon; San Francisco, California; and New York City. Other red zones can be found in Virginia and North Carolina. These are only the most concentrated areas however and the fixed gear trend is on its way to exploding into a global threat.
How to spot a fixed gear operative: due to their close ties to the punk-rocker community, you can find fixed gear riders sporting cut off military fatigues, Dickies that are cut off to look like high-waters, military-esque headwear, and various t-shirts promoting their way of life. It is almost a de-facto standard that all fixed gear cult members be heavily tattooed and pierced in multiple locations.
Tactics: It is very common to find fixed gear agents performing what is called a "track stand" at intersections to prove their superiority to just about everyone they come in contact with. This is a potential Achilles' Heel due to the limited balance one has while performing a track stand. It should be obvious that this is a good time to strike at them. Another less direct tactic would be an attempt to monopolize the bicycle-messaging industry as nearly all bicycle messengers adhere to the fixed gear dogma; by taking a considerable chunk out of this industry we could force a good number of them into working under us. Then it would be as simple as initializing the deprogramming of their "one-gear minds." Note: Sabotage of their braking systems will not work as they do not use braking systems in attempt to be "more hardcore" than average riders.
The streets have been turned into battle grounds and it is hard for traditional cyclists to come out of their house's in respectable cycling attire (i.e.: jersey, spandex, helmet, etc.) without being subjected to a barrage of insults and one-gear propaganda. Our children are threatened by these extremists who would probably go so far as to torch the training wheels off a child's bike to teach it to "ride like a man." The attitudes of the fixed gear army are downright despicable and unfortunately this conflict can only be resolved through bloodshed. It's time for cyclists to stand up and fight against the legions of fixed gear radicals. If you don't believe me, see for yourself at your local bike shop. It is becoming increasingly harder to find and purchase a bicycle with more than one gear and with a freewheeling hub. Now, one has to wade through thousands of eBay auctions to find a simple cassette or derailleur since the trend has become a profitable commodity for e-tailers. The true cyclist is a dying breed. Don't say I didn't warn you when you wake up one day and find that it is a crime to operate a bicycle with multiple-gears.

Bike pRon with Peaches
Since I've already gone this far with bikes & girly pics, I need to post the video of Peaches' 'Lovertits'. The bikes in the clip are lowriders, though. Thank Mr. Interflug for the hint.
While the video is kinda graphic, it's still not taking it as far as THAT BMX video here....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Rain City Fix Book/Video Clip
From Seattle. Track bikes, tattoos, skinny jeans, messenger bags, cycling caps, funny hairdos and lots of facial hair, more tattoos, sneakers, trackstands, hip young good looking people, you know the score....
And here is the actual photo book, if someone is still interested.
Nitto B123 Steel NJS Track Dropbars, very cheap...

You like those nice Nitto B123 NJS-certified Steel Track Dropbars?
I do.
Well, click on the pic above to make it bigger and look very very carefully, it looks like the Universal Cycles webstore has a very special deal going on, right? Not bad, I'd say.
The deal is off, they've corrected the price now. Too bad.
fixie fashion,
online shopping,
track cycling,
A Giorgio Trispoke Wheel For You, Sir?
Even if some people might say that instead of trispoke aerowheels, or even this wonderful thing, you should nowadays invest your hard earned dorrah on some disk wheels, someone might still think these wheels above look pretty neat. I do, I admit it.
And hey, look here, one of these nice Giorgio wheels is for sale right now. So you can has it, if you wants.
fixed gear,
fixie fashion,
hiphop slave bike,
tarck bike
Even More Pictures Of Girls With Bikes...

Yesterday I posted a lovely picture of a very lovely tattooed lady with shiny red pointy boots on a hot red track bike. Someone obviously liked the picture as the post was quickly linked to Orange County Fixed.
Now I will return the favor. So if you want to see lots more erotic photography of girls and bikes AKA bike pRon involving not only bicycles but also real ladiezzz, go ahead & click there.
But please be warned, some of that material might not be appropriate to be viewed in the workplace or in the presence of your better half - even if she knows you're only admiring the bikes in pictures...
bike pron,
bikecycle art,
fixed gear girls,
track bikes
Monday, June 16, 2008
More Girls On Track Bikes

But don't worry, I will not turn this blog into the copy of the Copenhagen Cycle Chic.
Big Wheels Keep Rollin'
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Fixed Gear Tricks, Part 247.
Here's once more one more youtube video clip of fixed gear tricks. It's actually an ad for Bikejerks' All City Championship in Minneapolis in the end of June.
However, now I'm already getting bit bored with this, the video is not that hot. Watching the same old loooong skids, barspins & wheelies, leg-over-bars skids and someone doing a super twitchy trackstand is getting bit old. Sorry. You need to try bit harder, ok?
Like this dude in the White Room, from Japan, of course:
fixed gear tricks,
keirin bikes,
tarck bike,
Friday, June 13, 2008
BMX Tricks On -> Fixed Gear BMX Bike
It seems that FG and BMX bikes go hand in hand in many ways. I've posted a host of videos of people doing (often just trying to do) things that are basically BMX freestyle tricks on fixed gear bikes and I've also posted some cool fixed gear BMX bikes.
Maybe now is the time to see some of those BMX tricks done with a fixed gear BMX. Trevor Meyer is your man, just watch him.
And here's another video of him showing off, this time with a regular freewheeled bike but I love this just because of there's KRS-One as soundtrack.
The 24" Fixed Gear BMX of the Year

The bike in the picture above is a 24" fixed gear BMX, and it's for sale here right now. Be fast! Sure, there's been FG BMX bikes before but not quite like the one above.
Handlebars and Stem: Adamant annodized blue trials (chopped a bit) and Truvativ Hussefelt
Fork and Headset: Redline 24" and FSA Pig
Front wheel: Grimeca alloy one-piece :D
Rear wheel: Halo Tornado on System X re-spaced track hub
Crankset and Bottom bracket: One-piece with Sugino spider
Saddle and Seat Post: Blue Rolls atop a Selcof long-un
Pedals and Chain: White Gusset Incas and halflink
Cog/Gearing et cetera: Dura Ace sprocket and lockring, Surly stainless steel chainring - 36/15T
Notes: Halo Twin-Rails in pink and Dennis the Menace grips complete the package :)
"This bike is pure nonsense and a trackstander's delight. Not tried it yet, but i suspect it'd be perfect for polo."
fixie fashion,
hiphop slave bike,
tarck bike
'Bianci' Pursuit/TT bike with disk wheels and all...

Here in Finland we are so under-developed that even Ebay hasn't bothered to invade out poor northern country. However, we do have our own copy of teh 'bay, an auction site called generally sucks and nothing cool ever comes up there, unless I'm selling my old sh*t there, of course. Ok, there's been some strange Soviet Olympic Team's Aerowheels from 1980s and other weirdness up for grabs there and some of my friends have scored cool Italian road bikes, something like this here, but still.
Anyhow, now finally there IS something cool on auction, check this out. Also, notice the next-to-non-existent description.
What did I just say about pursuit/TT/lopro/funnybikes with diskwheels?
fixed gear helsinki,
hiphop slave bike,
lo pro,
pursuit bike,
tarck bike
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Yet Another Cool Riding Video Clip From Tokyo
Another nice video from Tokyo "Setagaya & Destroy" with plenty of tricks for your viewing pleasure. And also to celebrate the fact that the official Wed Fixed Tricks Session happens again tonight.
This time it'll be at the brand new and still semi-secret skatepark in Vallila AKA The Vallila Banks, starting at 6 o'clock. Just bring your bike & beers.
bmx trickz,
fixed gear helsinki,
fixed gear tricks,
keirin bikes,
tarck bike,
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Fixie Hipster Bike Style Manifesto

* No more Aerospokes, HED3 or Spinergy.
* Tubular disk wheels. 650c in the front.
* No more Keirin frames, Cannondale track or Bianchi Pista Concepts.
* 1980s Lo Profile / Pursuit / Funnybikes. Italians Do It Better.
* No more bikes covered with skateboard stickers.
* Fluoro-splashes and masked multicolor disco paintjobs.
* No more BMX tricks.
* Pursuit, Sprint, Madison, Keirin, Scratch Race & 'Devil Take the Hindmost'
650c front wheel,
bike style,
fixed gear,
fixie fashion,
hiphop slave bike,
lo pro,
tarck bike
Tandem For A Slightly Larger Family
This thing here in not fixed gear related but very fascinating anyhow since tandems are cool. But maybe too much is too much sometimes. For 6 people including one baby? The question is, is this the ideal bike for an Eco-Conscious Mormon family? With the rapidly rising price of gasoline even in the States, maybe yes.
But there's one part in the ad that I don't really get: 'Would really like to see it stay in the U.S.'
And of course it's on Ebay, here.
But if you like tandems and have a lot of loose money but dig slightly more sporty bikes, check this out.
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