Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Pikkujoulut 5.11.2011 @ Huilaamo, Suvilahti, Helsinki
Ne on sitten pian taas juhlat luvassa, ällärit toki ajetaan ensin marraskuun takuulla karmivissa olosuhteissa ja sitä rataa. Merkitkää kalentereihin, täällä on kaikki ne kaupungin muodikkaat ja ihanat ajomiehet ja sekä -naiset.
Lisäinfot foorumilta.
Rossin Performance EL Pista
This very interesting Rossin Performance EL Pista "build" is apparently currently for sale for 300€ in the Next Bike shop in Turku, Finland. How nice. Below you see how it was originally meant to be.
Thanks for the photo goes to Mankkis.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mavic Piste 520
Patience, man. It pays off. I've been sort of semi-passively looking for a pair of those nice 1980s Mavic track hubs for quite some time now. I've missed or lost couple of Ebay auctions and turned down an offer of a perfect pair because of high asking price I but just got this in the mail today.
Now I only need to track down a matching 28h front hub AND pair of 28h Mavic Open Pro CD or similar hoops. Oh, well.
Leader Kagero
Kagero & Gypsy from Leader Bike on Vimeo.
Leader Bikes x Pedal Consumption Kagero ad.
I need to be honest here: while the Kagero looks pretty nice indeed, I just can't not point out the fact that it resembles the Cinelli MASH just a little bit too much. Just like those LOW lo pros do too. You can always argue that since it's not exactly the same but still. Whatever, I'm sure it's nice ride. Congratulations to Pedal Consumption!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Pelago Bicycles 2012 Sneak Peak // Competition
A lil' sneak peak at the Pelago Bicycles range for 2012 and a naming competition. Looks sweet to me.
"We are introducing some new models next year. First of them shall be this light weight bicycle – a classic mixte with a modern approach. Full cromo frame with butted main tubes.
There's only one little problem: the beloved child has many names and we've had hard time making up our minds which one to record in the books. There's a few suggestions below; which one do you prefer – or how would you call it if you were to decide? Thumb-click the proposal you like or suggest your own. We will draw a winner amongst the votes and reward the best proposal."
"We are introducing some new models next year. First of them shall be this light weight bicycle – a classic mixte with a modern approach. Full cromo frame with butted main tubes.
There's only one little problem: the beloved child has many names and we've had hard time making up our minds which one to record in the books. There's a few suggestions below; which one do you prefer – or how would you call it if you were to decide? Thumb-click the proposal you like or suggest your own. We will draw a winner amongst the votes and reward the best proposal."
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Ali Baba's Cave
Just some cycling club or velodrome's collection of old junk for sale on German Ebay right now, consisting of about 50 track frames, 20 road frames, 120 forks, 90 wheels, 200 rims, boxes and boxes of parts etc. And it ALL could be all yours for just
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Ass Saver
Ass Saving Techniques from Ass Savers on Vimeo.
Could this possibly be the most stupidest thing with the most stupidest name ever? I'm not saying that it doesn't do what it is supposed to do but still. Come on?!
And for all yo'all DIY -spirited people out there, Kyttyrä shows you how to do it:
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Weekend Trip To Stockholm
Last weekend we "did" Stockholm. The drunken ferry, bike polo, beer, mashing around the town, the Finland vs. Sweden match even made it into the local newspaper. Great trip all in all, many thanks for the Stockholm boys and girls for hosting us in Söder!
Credits: Osku shot and edited the video, Toni took the photos.
bike polo,
epic journey,
road trip,
Zunow vs. Rossin
Remember this Rossin pursuit on Ebay couple of weeks ago, right? It sold for US $2,551.00 and the seller was located in Indonesia. Well, Olli just pointed THIS out to me, it's from last October and from Malaysia:
"Pursuit Frame for Sale
Here’s one pursuit frame in-store. According to the owner its a Rossin Olympic 88 but i couldn’t find any Rossin mark on the frame. After hours and hours of googling i came across Zunow in Chari and Co’s website.
The frame geometry is almost similar to this frame; that got me thinking whether this frame is a Zunow or a Rossin as claimed by the owner who happens to be an ex-cyclist. Seat tube is 55cm (C – T) / Campagnolo track end / Tange Japan BB (Optional) / 650c fork or 700c fork (choose) / No dents or dings / Minor rust (will soon gone!) Priced at RM3,000 for the frame + fork + bb."
Monday, September 19, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
You will love these: SKS Raceblade Long
The rainy season is here already, and these look just fabulous. Standard short Raceblades are IMHO the best snap-on fenders by far so I have high very hopes for these. And for the record, I've tried Crud Roadracers but really couldn't get them installed satisfactorily on any of my bikes despite hard efforts.
Seen at Eurobike, read and see more here.
rainy days,
snap-on fenders,
urban cycling,
winter cycling
Pelago Sale: Shop In Varasto 17.-18.9.2011
Pelago Cycles Sale / varaston tyhjennys 17-18..9.2011 klo 12-18, osoite Hietasaarenkuja 6 L3:
"Tyhjennetään varastoa, myydään vanhoja protoja ja mallipyöriä sekä jotain hyllyyn jäänyttä tavaraa syyshinnoilla. "Tule tekemään löytöjä", sanois Keskisen veljekset. La-su klo 12-18. Kutsuhan itsesi paikalle.
We are about to tidy up the warehouse and dump some old protos etc. Come and see if you find something suitable for yourself."
Enemmän infoa FB -sivulla, click.
SJT Recycled Fixed 29er MTB
Santtu's latest project is damn awesome. DIY fixed 29er MTB, with frame built mostly from parts scavenged from several old dead frames. The 'hanging' dropout design is pretty neat in itself and the tiny frame size makes the bike look almost like a 36er. The rear fixed hub and the beefy lockring are also designed and machined by the man himself. Gotta respect the mad metal working skills in effect here!
fixed mtb,
helsinki fixed gear,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Blog Introduction: Velo Helsinki Style Blog
It's been a while since I last picked out an interesting new blog. So this came right on time:
"This photo blog is about documenting the looks of cyclists in Helsinki. We think they are awesome! So we try to do our best to give our fellow riders the credit they deserve."
The almost brand new Velo Helsinki @ seems to take their inspiration from a certain original Danish female cyclist stalking blog that spawned thousand copycats as well as from the infamously ridiculous Hel Looks Helsinki street style blog.
I'm entirely sure what to think about the Velo Helsinki but I know for a fact that especially the comments added to the photos already induced some teeth grinding somewhere. Also, I guess it's not like everybody who will end up being photographed riding out on town and minding their own business will be super thrilled about ending on some style blog to be "flattered" with nice comments on their awesome bike or personal style.
Anyhow, despite all this let's hope the guys will keep busy and up the good work portraying HKI cyclists' styles.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Spot the differences // Spot the similarities
Fuji Pro Track vs. Specialized Langster Pro. Don't look too different from each other but maybe that's just the style of 2012.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Ain't Nobody Cooler
Ain't Nobody Cooler from Chris de Luca vs Phon.o on Vimeo.
This is old but either I haven't seen it before or I've already forgotten about it. Whatever, enjoy!
Also, if you dig that big bell AKA Authentic Keirin Charm they're banging on, you can buy one now at NJS Export, click here.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
De Rosa Milanino 2012
Kolmen kaupunnin taisto-Alleycat 14.9.2011
Kolmen kaupunnin taisto -ällärit // Keskiviikko 14.9.2011 !!!
Luvassa eeppinen taisto. Häviäjät nysvää kotona ja roikkuu netissä speksaamassa äpäriä sinkilöitä ja roskiskonversioita, kun ajomiehet ja -naiset kisaavat pimenevässä syyskuun yössä 97% varmasti sateen liukastamilla kaduilla maineesta ja kunniasta. Älkää nukkuko.
Kaupunkikohtaiset ohjeet ja lähtöinfot Yksivaihteessa seuraavasti:
* Helsinki
* Tampere
* Turku
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Dutch Fixie Fail
Epic Fail (NL) from DVV / LES AP on Vimeo.
Now, take a three minutes' break and watch this clip, seriously.
Thanks to Ramin for sharing the link. Came from here originally.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Cinelli Laser 2012 Geo
I just know there are some people out there very interested in this document. Click to make it big.
Via Milano Fixed, and there's plenty of Laser pr0n there...
Chrome Midway Pro SPD
More coolness from Chrome, SPD version of the Midway. Get 'em here now!
Just keep in mind that the sizing on Chrome Pros is bit weird, "Order a half size smaller than other Chrome shoes and up to a full size smaller than other vulcanized shoes.", or that's what they tell you.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Superb Sprint
"Here is a quick teaser of our first prototype. This one is called the Superb Sprint and is an aluminum frame with lugged steel fork. It is amazingly light weight, matching the Cinelli Mash, and that has a carbon fork!" ... aaand it looks almost like the Cannondale Track!
Cinelli Laser Pista 2012 Limited Edition
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Where We At

- Jussi
- HELLsinki, Finland
- A generic blog mostly but not only about fixed gear bikes. Not much original content here either.
Blog Archive
- The Truth
- Ghostbike
- Pikkujoulut 5.11.2011 @ Huilaamo, ...
- Rossin Performance EL Pista
- Mavic Piste 520
- Leader Kagero
- Retro Futuristic
- Zaffiro Pro Skin Wall
- Pelago Bicycles 2012 Sneak Peak // Competition
- The Ali Baba's Cave
- Land of 1000 Dances
- TBA - Huge L
- Ass Saver
- Weekend Trip To Stockholm
- Zunow vs. Rossin
- Helsinki Bicycle Couriers, Winter 2011
- MC Ladyfinger meets Fixieboy!
- Premium Rush
- You will love these: SKS Raceblade Long
- Pelago Sale: Shop In Varasto 17.-18.9.2011
- SJT Recycled Fixed 29er MTB
- Blog Introduction: Velo Helsinki Style Blog
- Bicycle Diaries, Episode #4 & #5
- Spot the differences // Spot the similarities
- Ain't Nobody Cooler
- Seen in Stockholm...
- De Rosa Milanino 2012
- Bianchi Super Pista 2012
- Kolmen kaupunnin taisto-Alleycat 14.9.2011
- Cinelli MASH 2012
- Dutch Fixie Fail
- Cinelli Laser 2012 Geo
- Paper Trail
- Chrome Midway Pro SPD
- Cinelli Art Tapes 2012
- Superb Sprint
- Cinelli Laser Pista 2012 Limited Edition
- Unholy Lo Pro
- Gigantic!
- Back to the Square One
Cool Stuffs In/From Finland
I Dig These
Hajime Kato5 years ago
Another Video From NAHBS 20196 years ago
I’ll be making a pair of these…6 years ago
Hello world!6 years ago
Samul-1 - TARAKALLE6 years ago
年末年始ダラダラできるオススメ映画&ドキュメンタリー10選!8 years ago
ART of the day8 years ago
J. Cole - 'Apparently'10 years ago
IT'S A WRAP!11 years ago