I'm not the biggest fan of road bike conversions, real track bikes and all that, but what the hell? See the pic (click to make it bigger), Fausto Coppi, The King of Kings, rode a Biachi road bike conversion on the the boards... ?!
From G.S.Guccilife.
I will have to charge you from now on.....AHHAHAHAAHAAH!
Who would have thought. I wonder was that allowed at the time? or did he some way manage to get around the rules...
Im not sure about the rules,but often,bike where built with was available back then,you know,post WW II phase.....
if he's going for an hour record or the like, perhaps it's also more efficient to use a converted road bike than a traditional track bike (the latter being designed primarily for sprinting but who stiffness can sap some energy over the longhaul).
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