3 weeks ago
Meet Burt Benson from Gran Royale on Vimeo.
I'm digging and then again I'm NOT really digging this video. Everything there including the name of the brand is bit too much of a lame rip-off (or is it rather a homage?) from the Beastie Boys and their Grand Royal magazine circa 1995. In fact maybe I need to dig up my Grand Royal collection from the basement archive now and read them all over again.THE REVIVAL from morehartfilms on Vimeo.
KILROY from Gorilla Bicycles on Vimeo.
"After slamming and breaking our prototypes in public and in front of cameras, we finally started production of the Kilroy frame. The tests that Wonka ran lead to the conclusion that we had to manufacture a tube set just for this frame, with particular reinforced parts to absorb and handle the stress of the jumps. Together with Columbus we decided to change the alloy in order to avoid very thick and heavy tubes and gain in strength nevertheless. We are proud to present the first freestyle frame in Niobium steel. The Columbus Niobium steel is a special micro alloyed steel with Manganese, Chrome, Nickel, Molybdenum and Niobium that is designed to provide superior mechanical propertiesfixi3 polo en guadalajara from e2pora on Vimeo.
Fixedgear.se trackstand, footdown and Macaframa premier. from Boon on Vimeo.