Friday, December 31, 2010

Lil' something while waiting for the summer...

Here's my new project.

Unknown track frame, judging by the RGF bottom bracket shell and the Bocama Professional long point lugs it's probably French and from 1970s. I got it from ex-bike messenger girl (yeah, I know how "cool" that sounds...) who apparently bought it from Berlin Cyclope Paris couple of years ago. Since the frame is pretty beat up the plan is to keep this low key and low budget but let's see how this will end up. I'm already digging the fact that 25mm tire hits the seat tube when the axle is at the end of the track ends.


It turned out that the frame is actually Le Jeune, and in fact exactly same model as this one behind the link.


Lefa said...

Nice project. Looks a lot like the bike I happened to photograph in Kallio a year and a half ago.

Karl said...

ex messenger girls are hot!

Jussi said...

Lefa, it's the same bike, it used to 'live' in Kallio. ;)

Now I just need to ask the previous owner what happened to the original fork?

Rapu said...

That frame was actually bought at Cyclope in Paris. Can't remember what happened to the original fork though.