I was taking taking apart my oldest wheelset last night and this is what I found under the grime, a crack. I've had a brand new Miche track chain snap on me previously but I must admit that these hubs have served me well: three years of riding through summers and winters, racing alleycats, playing polo and whatnot, and keeping in mind that I got them in a used wheelset. Anyhow, no more Miche components for me, grazie.
2 days ago
i'm riding those hubs right now, i've never seen one fail before. were you ever in a wreck with that wheelset? i'm going to start keeping a really close eye on mine now.
No, nothing like that but I've just ridden the wheels a lot, hopping curbs, accidentally hitting potholes etc. The crack could have well been there for a long time too.
I don't think you should worry too much, the wheel won't collapse or anything like that if the flange cracks like that. And in my case the spoke was still tight and the wheel was completely straight and true despite the crack.
I still believe in my Miche hubs and I'm also thinking getting new set of wheel w/miche hubs.
I've seen and rid Miches for 7 years and they haven't FAIled me.
Actually Miches are the only hubs that have carried me through winter hell and summer bliss, through polo mayhem and alleycat bashing without any needs of maintenance.. and i've seen some hubs.
We are actually trying not to sell Miche's anymore, as the bearings usually fail after around 6 month, sometimes they do last longer though!
We are highly recommending Dia Compe Gran Compe, a bit more expensive, but way better..., they also look much nicer:)
Just our 2 cents...
Very helpful info, much thanks for your post.
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